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The Web Weekly newsletter keeps you up to date, teaches you web development tricks and covers all things working in tech.

Hei, party people!

I was at an open-air concert this weekend. The show was so-so (for the Germans: it was a weird mix of Thees Uhlmann, Marcus Wiebusch and Bosse), but let me tell you, I do miss live music! I hope you had a good week yourself!

Before we jump into web stuff, let's start the week with some cuteness overload. πŸ˜†

A small puppie ready to jump around

This week's Web Weekly includes:

  • Chrome's plans to break the web
  • Tips to not get fired
  • Software development without a local setup

... and, as always, GitHub repositories, a new Tiny Helper and some music.

Ready? Steady. Go!

Avif support is coming to Firefox

caniuse table showing Avif support starting with Firefox 92

Quick heads-up: Avif support is coming to Firefox. πŸŽ‰ It's only a matter of time now until Edge joins the party (and who knows when Safari follows). Nevertheless, it's a good time to starting to look into shipping the new image format.

(If you want to look at how to ship new image formats using the picture element, I have a blog post for that.)

Check Avif support

Tips on staying employed

So here are a few things that I think were not obvious to me earlier in my career that I picked up later, sometimes even embarrassingly later. If I can give anyone a head start on learning these things before they reach their 50’s, so much the better!

Mad Ned, working in tech for over 35 years, describes how to "stay employed" when working in the industry. The article's title is a little clickbaity, but there's good advice in it (watch out for the β€œTwo-And-Done” Rule).

Become a better colleague

Chrome's plans to break the web

Two paragraphs: 1. This is a massive, break-a-ton-of-web kind of change that has really shown just how much power the Chrome team has over the platform. Let’s dig in.  2. Given Chrome's near-monopoly control of the browser market, I'm genuinely concerned about what this all means for the future of the web. An ad company shouldn't have this much influence over something that belongs to all of us.

There's been a lot of "Google breaks the web" drama last week. The reason is that Google started removing alert, confirm and prompt in cross-origin iframes with plans to eliminate these methods entirely. Surprisingly, browser vendors seem to agree with this breaking change.

But the web community disagrees; if you want to learn more on the topic, the following two articles are good summaries.

Does our everyday work actually matter?

By comparison, having worked as a software developer for over a decade, the impact of the stuff I actually got paid to do seems underwhelming.

This post got me thinking: Michael Williamson reflects on his programming career and how one of his side projects had probably more impact on this world than his day job. I bet many people relate to Michael's thoughts.

Think about your impact

Performance pitfalls when manipulating the wrong DOM elements

 Don’t attach tooltips to document.body TL;DR  Instead of attaching tooltips directly to document.body, attach them to a predefined div in document.body.

Atif Afzal wrote a nicely nerdy blog post getting in the performance penalties he discovered when implementing tooltips placed in the document.body. The article includes explanations on browser rendering and explains how to debug and optimize. Great work!

Dive into rendering performance

Will we soon stop working on local machines?

Two quotes about code spaces: 1. I used codespaces yesterday while my dev environment was a little broken and I finished the entire features on codespaces before my dev env was done building lol. 2.  My friends, I’m here to tell you I was a Codespaces skeptic before this started and now I am not. This is the way.

GitHub announced Codespaces a while ago, but there hasn't been much traction or adoption of this new feature. Codespaces (and other online code editors) aim to remove the need for local development environments. And while I have to admit that I'm skeptical, this post from GitHub gets me excited about a future without local development environments.

Learn how GitHub uses Codespaces

How to have good 1:1 meetings

 β€œI’m having a lot of feelings right now that I need to go away and deal with. I’m going to take a break from this conversation and get back to you when I’ve processed them more.”

Since being a manager, I have had many weekly 1:1s meetings. Every 1:1 is different, and there's no manual on how to get the most out of these meetings. This article from Amy Newell provides some good tips on valuable catch-up meetings (not only for managers).

Improve your 1:1s

On writing well

5 tips from Amazon’s Doc Bar Raisers – β€œWrite poorly and they notice the style; write well and they notice the idea.” β€” Unknown

Writing is an underrated skill. If you're crafting a tricky email to your colleague, are writing a solution brief or publish articles on your blog, writing skills and style matter. Danny Sheridan shared five tips that help to express your ideas.

Express your ideas

Did you install this package accidentally? (I bet you did)

npm i -

What do you think happens when you run the following command: npm install - g foo. Eagle eyes might have spotted the mistake. A space sneaked into the global flag (- g should be -g), and this typo leads to the local installation of the foo and (!) - npm package. You read that right; there is a - package with 20k weekly downloads on npm. 😲

I didn't dig deeper into what this package includes yet, but honestly, it's concerning that npm allows such "typo packages".

(If you have time to look into it, I'd love to hear what you discover there.)

Don't install this package

Replace your bad habits with better ones

These bad habits can interrupt your best life β€” they waste your time, resources and energy. For every bad habit on this list, find a good habit to replace it.

If you're a longtime reader of this newsletter, you know that I believe that habits are the key to a healthy life. It's important to note that establishing good habits is as important as getting rid of bad habits. If you struggle with new and healthy habits, Thomas Oppong shared a list of bad habits that you can replace with better ones.

Replace your bad habits

Three valuable projects to have a look at

A new Tiny Helper

"Optimize Your Website for Core web vitals" with a submission form below is another site that helps you analyzing and improving your sites' Web Vitals scores. There can never be enough tooling around building high-quality websites!

Analyze your Web Vitals

Find more single-purpose online tools on

A quote to think about

This week I watched a video about racism and the #blacklivesmatter movement. Unfortunately, I didn't bookmark the URL, but this powerful sentence stuck with me.

Don't complain that you don't have a movement, be happy that you don't need one!

A song that makes you stop coding

Three dudes playing the piano, a contra bass and the drums

A friend introduced me to GoGo Penguin this week. The trio combines pianos with chilled drums, and unsurprisingly, it's right down my alley!

Listen to "Hopopono"

Thank you for reading!

And that's a wrap for the thirty-second Web Weekly! If you enjoy my newsletter, I'd love you to tell others about it. β™₯️

If you're not a subscriber, you can change that! πŸ˜‰

Stay safe, and I'll talk to you next week! πŸŽ‰ πŸ‘‹

PS. I heard the cool kids use RSS. You can find multiple feeds on my site.

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Stefan standing in the park in front of a green background

About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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