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The Web Weekly newsletter keeps you up to date, teaches you web development tricks and covers all things working in tech.

Happy St. Nicholas Day, party people!

And, did you find some sweets in your shoes? Not to make you jealous, but I did! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜Š

Yesterday I went out to listen to some piano music in a church and, surprisingly, ended up on the Hacker News front page. It was a busy but excellent weekend!

This week's web weekly includes:

  • predefined CSS custom properties
  • the proof that no one is great at tech interviews
  • highlights of the HTTP archive Web Almanac 2021

... and, as always, GitHub repositories, a new Tiny Helper and some music.

Something that made me smile

A red house standing in water.

Townscaper is a game that lets you build cities with tiny building blocks. There's no task or end to the game; sit down, chill and build a city. It's so beautiful!

Build a tiny town

Supercharged CSS variables

Supercharged CSS variables: Expertly crafted web design tokens, Create consistent components and useful in any framework

Are you happy with all your defined CSS custom properties?

I'm not because they're a mix of random --blue-brighter and --default-shadow-small properties. I messsed it up badly. ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Adam Argyle released "Open Props" to help out here. The project includes structured and thought-through CSS customer properties.

I'll try it when I add color themes to my site.

Clean up your CSS custom properties

--color: blue !important

Code editor showing that !important in custom properties can be overwritten.

This week I learned that !important in custom properties behaves differently than I expected. I won't spoil the fun here. Read more on the blog. ๐Ÿ‘‡

Avoid important custom properties

Is it time to move on?

Headline: 5 signs it's time to quit your job

The last two years have been long, and I see many unhappy people at work. But why's that? Is it because it's time for a new adventure? Or is it just because we're all exhausted from the world being on fire?

I really liked Cate Huston's take on the topic if you're considering a new job.

Think about your current job

Your 1-1s are a gift

Use every second of 1-1s with your boss

Mike Crittenden's blog has become one of my favorite blogs over the last few months. The following post describes that your boss can be many things. They can be your mentor, friend, rubber duck or even therapist. And the best thing, talking to them is free. That's why you should get the most out of it.

Get the most out of your 1-1s

The importance of browser diversity

Headline: Firefox is the only Alternative

Disclaimer: I'm a Firefox user. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you're looking at the browser landscape today, you see that Chrome's market share is enormous. With Safari in second place, two big corporations are deciding on the future of the web (not good!). Bozhidar Batsov argues that this is a terrible state to be in (we've been there before) and advocates for using Firefox.

Value browser diversity

The proof: everybody struggles at tech interviews

Dan Abramov and Ben Awad next to JavaScript source code

Ben Awad spoke to Facebook's Dan Abramov pretending to interview him for a job. If you don't know Dan, the co-creator of Redux is one of the faces of React. I don't know him, but he seems like a very good person.

I loved that he took the time to answer algorithm questions and struggled with centering things in CSS (we all do, right?).

See how everybody struggles in tech interview

Web Almanac 2021

2368 โ€“ The largest number of external stylesheets loaded by a page.

I had Friday off, and in the old tradition, I spent it reading this year's Web Almanac. The Web Almanac is a yearly report collecting all kinds of fascinating web statistics. I summarized the highlights.

Learn about the state of the web

TIL recap: repeating CSS gradients

Devsheet showing normal and repeating CSS gradients

This week I came across a few repeating gradient definitions, and every time I see them, I think "Woah! I didn't know that!". It turns out they're just one of these things I keep forgetting. ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Repeat your gradients

If you learned something new, no matter if small or big, old or new, documented or not, I'd love to include more learnings in this newsletter. Send me an email, and I'm happy to share your discovery!

Three valuable projects to have a look at

A new Tiny Helper

Screenshot of nnnoise showing a few controls to set visual noise.

Visual noise can make designs more catchy. nnnoise is a quick-to-use web app that you can use to generate SVG noise.

Add noise to your designs

Find more single-purpose online tools on

A quote to think about

In the spirit of interviews and working in tech, this week's quote comes from Sara Wachter-Boettcher's book "Technically wrong".

There's actually no magic in tech. [...] It's just a skill set โ€“ one that all kinds of people can, and do, learn.

A song that makes you stop coding

Cover of the Album "Young for eternity" from "The Subways"

This week's song is an old indie classic from The Subways. Man, "I Want To Hear What You Have Got To Say" is such a guitar hit!

Listen to "I Want To Hear What You Have Got To Say"

Thank you for reading!

And that's a wrap for the forty-eighth Web Weekly! If you enjoy my newsletter, I'd love you to tell others about it. โ™ฅ๏ธ

If you're not a subscriber, you can change that! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Stay safe, and I'll talk to you next week! ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿ‘‹

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Stefan standing in the park in front of a green background

About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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